Author Archives: DJ

Fresh Mint Iced Coffee

Fresh Mint Iced Coffee Serving you spring and summer in a glass.  To love this, you do have to love fresh mint. It’s a different sort of mint though. It tastes nothing like artificial peppermint. To be ever so cliché and play right into the name, it does just taste FRESH. It adds a little […]

Lavender Iced Nespresso Coffee

Lavender Iced Nespresso Coffee This iced coffee is so simple to make. You can even make the lavender syrup  the night before. Notes: You can also easily turn this recipe into a hot lavender latte by using espresso capsules in the Nespresso’s Evoluo (the machine brews both coffee and espresso!) Yields:  1 serving From:

Watermelon Peach Smoothie

Watermelon Peach Smoothie This is the easiest smoothie ever with only four ingredients.  It’s super thirst quenching with all that watermelon.  Did you know that watermelon is 92% water? My fruit was well ripened so I didn’t need any sweetener but feel free to add 1-2 tbsp honey if your fruit is less than stellar. […]

Ultimate Junebug

Ultimate Junebug MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip is going wild with June Bugs. The Ultimate Junebug gets its name from its neon green color. The flavor is fruity but mellow, with dominating notes of melon and citrus and a lingering taste of coconut. Ingredients: Directions: Yields:  1 serving From:


Orangeade MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tips is at it again:  “A refreshing change from lemonade. If you don’t care for pulp in your drink, feel free to strain the juice before you add it to the water.” Ingredients: Directions: Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Yields: 8 servings From:

Vintage Lemonade

Vintage Lemonade Another MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip:  “In the 1800’s this is how people made lemonade–you can do it too! It’s not that difficult, and tastes wonderful!” Ingredients: Directions: Prep Time:  45 Minutes Cook Time:  20 Minutes Total Time:  1 Hour 5 Minutes Yields:  4 servings From: