Matcha Green Tea Lemonade

Matcha Green Tea Lemonade

Whether you like to keep a pitcher around for yourself or want to have something interesting and thirst-quenching for your guests, Matcha Green Tea Lemonade is a thing of beauty. When you need some pep in your step, brew up a batch. Another MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip.


    • 2 cups of hot water
    • 1/2 teaspoon Epic Matcha green tea powder
    • 1 cup pure cane sugar
    • 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon (or lime) juice (about 3 lemons)
    • 1 1/2 quarts cold water
    • Mint garnish, optional
    • Lime wedge garnish, optional


    1. Stir the Matcha green tea powder and sugar into the hot water.
    2. Once dissolved, add the lemon juice and cold water.
    3. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Prep Time:  5 minutes
Cook Time:  30 minutes


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