30 second Self-Saucing Chocolate Pudding in a Mug

MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip of the Day:  This is a rich chocolate gooeyness nice tummy warming pudding. Nice for when you don’t want to be bothered mixing and baking a full size pudding

30 second Self-Saucing Chocolate Pudding in a Mug

Ingredients for Pudding:

  • 1 heaped tablespoon self raising flour
  • 1 heaped tablespoon cocoa
  • 1 heaped tablespoon sugar
  • 1 and a half tablespoons milk

Ingredients for Topping:

  • 1/2 tablespoon cocoa
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon hot water
  • a few banana chips., optional

Instructions (make in your MogoBox 15 oz. Classic White Mug):

  • Mix together self raising flour, cocoa, sugar and milk in a coffee mug (or other small microwave proof jug).
  • Sprinkle on top extra cocoa and brown sugar and carefully pour on hot water.
  • Cook in microwave for 30 seconds.
  • Pour into a bowl or add ice cream, banana chips or cream to the cup.


  • Mixture should be combined and cooked. If undissolved cocoa exists, zap for an extra 10 seconds.
  • The sauce is sitting at the bottom of the cup.

Cook Time: 30 seconds

Yields: 1 MogoBox.com Mug with Attitude serving

From: https://www.domesblissity.com/2017/07/30-sec-self-saucing-chocolate-pudding.html

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