Tag Archives: Coffee Grounds

Cinnamon Trick for your Morning Coffee

MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip of the Day:  Just like good hot chocolate is one of life’s simplest pleasures, coffee is one of life’s simplest necessities. But why settle for a plain old cup of joe? Cinnamon Trick for your Morning Coffee Yields:  MogoBox.com Mug with Attitude servings From:  https://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/healthy-drinks/sneaky-little-cinnamon-trick-your-morning-coffee

Simple Overnight Iced Coffee

Simple Overnight Iced Coffee MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip of the Day:  For this iced coffee, you will need to use a French Press. If you haven’t used one before, it is a method of drawing out the oils of coffee beans, but for hot coffee. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to make the coffee & water […]
