That's Easy - Because they are fun!
MogoBox has morphed through various concepts since inception. Our one constant though has been our morphing mugs. Being a bit geeky and liking gadgets of all sorts, the morphing mug has fit right in with our likes. Apparently, others thought so too. To such a degree, that we said: Why fight it? Let’s go all in, take a chance, get rid of all of our other product lines and concentrate on MUGS. We couldn’t stop at just morphing mugs though. We want all kinds of mugs with attitude!
When you look around the office, in our homes, and even our vehicles; what do you see? That special container that defines us and contains our special beverage of choice. A mug that celebrates our likes, our dreams, our relations, our personalities, and the list goes on. So hence forth, MogoBox will be bringing in and expanding those “Mugs with Attitude“. They may be geeky, spunky, funny, sarcastic, rude, or comical; but the one common thread will be: ATTITUDE!