Tag Archives: Macchiato

Iced Vanilla Macchiato

MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip of the Day:   Those chirpy Starbucks baristas have nothing on you. Take this recipe from Tide and Thyme and blend up your own frothy caffeinated drink. Iced Vanilla Macchiato Ingredients: 2/3 cup granulated sugar 2/3 cup water 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup cold milk 1/4 cup espresso, or strongly brewed coffee […]

Caramel Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato POUR milk into 1-quart microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on HIGH 1 to 1-1/2 minutes or until hot but not boiling. Beat hot milk with electric mixer, increasing speed as foam begins to form. Continue beating until foam doubles. Steamed milk will settle to the bottom. Foamed milk will rise to the top. MICROWAVE vanilla […]
