We at MogoBox have always been proud to say we are American Proud and American Strong. We design, print, and assemble products in Diamondhead, Mississippi in good ole USA. We are an American company. We do not outsource to China.
In our infancy in 2011, we traveled to China and Hong Kong to the world’s largest Asian electronics shows. We experienced first hand the western ideas of the Chinese people until we went to Beijing where Americans were ostracized and the Chinese people depressed, shelfs bare except for counterfeit products, and the air so full of pollution; we coughed up grit for a month upon our return to the States. We did make an initial purchase from China whereupon we then had to engage Chinese lawyers and an inspection company to ensure we received what we ordered. It is not to say all Chinese companies are not reputable, but their work ethics and values are not up to American or MogoBox standards. The one thing they have going for them is they are cheap to buy from. And let’s face it, everyone says they want to buy American, but the average American does not want to pay the price for an American produced product. Still, we never ordered from China again. We stay strictly in the US.
All our products are purchased through US companies. Even though we know they purchase outside the U.S., at least we are supporting American companies and American workers who work for them. To that end, I have made inquiries from our suppliers. Where do they get their products? With the Coronavirus pandemic out of China and their deliberate cover-up, the adverse affect it has had on Americans lives, American deaths, and the American economy; we wanted to know. We want to try to eliminate as many Chinese products we indirectly purchase as much as possible. At least, not all where from China; some were from Columbia, El Salvador, Thailand, Mexico, and glory be the United States.
So the next time you look at purchasing a product, whether it is from MogoBox or elsewhere; ask yourself, “Who are you supporting?” With China’s cheap prices, realistically I don’t think we can ever really eliminate them, but maybe we can start to spread the commerce around and maybe, just maybe we can reduce the impact of the five-stared red flag of China whenever possible. So please support an American company. We at MogoBox would be proud if you chose us.