Coffee Latte Cubes

MogoBlog MogoLicious Tasty Tip of the Day:  Have a tendency to run late in the mornings, but don’t want to skip your latte? These coffee latte cubes will be your salvation.

Coffee Latte Cubes


    • brewed coffee
    • milk


    1. Fill each ice cube tray compartment half full of coffee.
    2. Freeze.
    3. Once it is hard, fill the rest with milk and return the tray to the freezer.
    4. Freeze
    5. To make a cup of coffee latte, boil some milk with two coffee latte cubes. (Or boil in the microwave for a time-saver)
    6. To make a frappuccino, add a half a cup of cold milk to a mug and add six cubes.

Yields: Mug with Attitude serving


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